Finally edited my description on facebook and orkut. Here's the intro to me to u deviant users! 
There's loads to say about me, but I'll start with this. I've got black hair, like any other indian. Light brown eyes. I have an extremely disgusting artificial voice, and loads of pimples popping up on my face all the time. I'm very straight forward. Stubborn..
I love food, photography, art and music. My backbone is freakishly superficial, you could count my vertebra if I bend. Yes, defective, you could call me.
I'm unusually annoying when in an argumentive mood. I'm an introvert and extrovert, an idealist and realist rolled into one. My boss, (if I had one) would call me lazy. I love sports, technology, books, and biology. I'm not creative, I lack ideas, but I'm kinda good at portraying them..
I don't like doing nothing. Shopping is fun, if not done regularly. I'm very dreamy. I'm crazy about animals with fur
...except rats! I hate insects and reptiles..
I'm revengeful, bit forgiving if you apologize. I love preserving moments and saving memories. I need my space, always. My friends rock. Too much to tell, but - it's not hard to figure me out. 
Oh.. And I can't stand smokers, excessive drinkers and abusers.
There's loads to say about me, but I'll start with this. I've got black hair, like any other indian. Light brown eyes. I have an extremely disgusting artificial voice, and loads of pimples popping up on my face all the time. I'm very straight forward. Stubborn..
Oh.. And I can't stand smokers, excessive drinkers and abusers.