So it's the 21st and there're a few hours left for midnight.. I pretty much don't care out here coz things have been so rough for me lately n I really don't think it'll be fun.. n all these years spent in goa have totally accostomed me to having fun with friends and family, and more over, enjoying my day.. Come to think of it, it's my eighteenth birthday n it doesn't even feel like it.
I feel like just walking in crowded place, unnoticed and totally to myself, praying no one would notice me, wish me. This place is pretty strange, and with strangers too, who'd just wish you for something in return.. Or probably as a formality.. but that's that, and I've somehow made up my mind not to enjoy myself out here.. =P Coz I'm going home.. the day after, and there, I can be myself. Free, happy, and I can totally enjoy myself.. With the people I love, n the people who care. I'll dream of my driving license, my electoral card, and finally become a major in all my debit/credit cards.. =)
I feel like just walking in crowded place, unnoticed and totally to myself, praying no one would notice me, wish me. This place is pretty strange, and with strangers too, who'd just wish you for something in return.. Or probably as a formality.. but that's that, and I've somehow made up my mind not to enjoy myself out here.. =P Coz I'm going home.. the day after, and there, I can be myself. Free, happy, and I can totally enjoy myself.. With the people I love, n the people who care. I'll dream of my driving license, my electoral card, and finally become a major in all my debit/credit cards.. =)