12th June 2013
Sooo, I have been travelling a LOT. One gets pretty tired of sitting at home and procrastinating work once one graduates. Life is very uncertain after graduation, and there's avoid you have to fill or you get depressed quickly. I was dying to go to Leh Ladakh, Kashmir for a very long time. Finally my family and I decided to go north where it's a climate we're not familiar with (being Goans and living in the South with the heat and rain and humidity). It was an adventure. It was not what I expected, which made it an adventure all the more.
Besides having motion sickness and severe migrains thanks to the low Oxygen levels there, I got to enjoy the most gorgeous senery and be with nature. It was wonderful.
After we got back to Delhi, I left my parents and went on a trip to Ramgarh, Uttarakhand where my friend Prachi recently built a house. That trip was just what I needed. After Leh these mountains were nothing. Ramgarh is a place in the hills, very close to Nainital. We plucked apricots, peaches and plums right from her orchard and got to see clouds passing through us! It was beautiful, and I got to spend it with my two awesome college friends Prachi and Madhuwanti.
I got back home yesterday, and I feel so fresh and have a new wave of eagerness to work and produce some magical stuff. :) So that's why I've been explaining what I'm upto.
On the work front, me and my friend Laskhmi have decided to take up the MAGNIFICIENT! the CHALLENGING! the DAUNTING! the EXCITING - 30 DAY ANIMATION CHALLENGE!! >:)
Hells yeah! So yesterday was day one and we decided to animate blinks. I managed to finish 3 and realized how rusted I am! I really need to get my shit togetha! Today, weight shift. :/ Hope we last till day 30!
And lastly about my film, I am getting back to it and not giving up. I am more determined than ever to see it through.
Rock on guys! \m/
Besides having motion sickness and severe migrains thanks to the low Oxygen levels there, I got to enjoy the most gorgeous senery and be with nature. It was wonderful.
After we got back to Delhi, I left my parents and went on a trip to Ramgarh, Uttarakhand where my friend Prachi recently built a house. That trip was just what I needed. After Leh these mountains were nothing. Ramgarh is a place in the hills, very close to Nainital. We plucked apricots, peaches and plums right from her orchard and got to see clouds passing through us! It was beautiful, and I got to spend it with my two awesome college friends Prachi and Madhuwanti.
I got back home yesterday, and I feel so fresh and have a new wave of eagerness to work and produce some magical stuff. :) So that's why I've been explaining what I'm upto.
On the work front, me and my friend Laskhmi have decided to take up the MAGNIFICIENT! the CHALLENGING! the DAUNTING! the EXCITING - 30 DAY ANIMATION CHALLENGE!! >:)
Hells yeah! So yesterday was day one and we decided to animate blinks. I managed to finish 3 and realized how rusted I am! I really need to get my shit togetha! Today, weight shift. :/ Hope we last till day 30!
And lastly about my film, I am getting back to it and not giving up. I am more determined than ever to see it through.
Rock on guys! \m/