2:58 PM 27/11/2011
Well that's the time. I'm gonna try working as long as I can with the help on the skinning tutorial. I'm starting afresh and deleting all the skinning I've done previously. Enough wastage of time, there are exactly 10 days for my jury and I want to be ready with everything. I have a bottle of water and chips to last me for the next 2 hours atLEAST. And my time starts... NOW!
Well that's the time. I'm gonna try working as long as I can with the help on the skinning tutorial. I'm starting afresh and deleting all the skinning I've done previously. Enough wastage of time, there are exactly 10 days for my jury and I want to be ready with everything. I have a bottle of water and chips to last me for the next 2 hours atLEAST. And my time starts... NOW!